Episode 126 - REPLAY - The Myth of Mino
This episode we talk about two of our favorite online communities and their upcoming distributed competitions. We stop in the pub to do a little talk about mashing obsessions and the law and homebrewing. We head to the library to talk about Scott Janish's article on DMS, causes and cures and his test. Denny and I talk about his favorite homebrew myths before he heads to the land by the waters - Milwaukee - where he talks to Mino Choi, a homebrewer with a culinary obsession and a couple of 50 point entries under his belt. Mino talks his process, his designing and some agressive techniques he uses to drive his fermentations.
We come back to our "Something Other Than Beer" segment with Denny enjoying spending time with Cecilia Chiang, the Chinese cuisine equivalent to Julia Child and we close out with Drew circling back to a lesson from earlier in the show!
Episode Links:
- Brew United - http://www.brewunited.com/
- SJPorr Challenge - https://sjporrchallenge.org/
- Trumer Pils - http://www.trumer-international.com/
- California AB-2172 - http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201...
- Scott Janish's DMS Article: http://scottjanish.com/how-to-prevent-dms-in-beer/
- Homebrew Myths - https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/how-to-brew/6-common-homebrew-myt...
- Patreon Remember even a buck is good for charity: http://www.patreon.com/experimentalbrewing
- Experimental Brew Store - https://www.experimentalbrew.com/store
Episode Contents:
00:00:00 Our Sponsors
00:02:32 - Support Us
00:05:38 - BrewUnited - Interview with Olan Suddeth
00:15:12 - SJPorr Challenge
00:17:29 The Pub - Trumer Pils and Homebrew Law
00:31:18 The Library - DMS
00:40:40 The Brewery - Pico Brew and Extract Results
00:49:31 The Lab - Homebrew Myths with Denny Conn
00:56:32 The Lounge - Unknown All-Star: Mino Choi
01:40:21 Something Other Than Beer - Cecilia Chiang
01:43:42 Quick Tip - Quick Second Batch
01:44:50 Wrap up
This episode is brought to you:
American Homebrewers Association
BrewCraft USA
Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) - contact them at igor@experimentalbrew.com. We want more Citizen Science!
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